The Free State of Malivia
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Cultural Protocols

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Cultural Protocols Empty Cultural Protocols

Post by Admin Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:50 pm

Malivia can best be described as an amalgamation of the English-speaking Caribbean nations. Malivia is primarily based on Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, with elements of other Caribbean nations. Malivia has a recent colonial past, with the Luthorian East Artanian Corporation colonizing the nation during a period of instability.

- Esinsundu = Afro-Caribbean
- Rajutti = Indo-Caribbean
- Luthori = English

~Percentages of the Population~
Esinsundu 60%
Rajutti 30%
Luthori 7%
Other 3%

The Rajutti are considered the native population of Malivia, and arrived in waves of immigration from Dovani between the fifth and first centuries BC. The Esinsundu arrived in Malivia during the colonial period as a result of immigration from Dovani, either as slaves or indentured servants. Luthorians are primarily the descendants of colonists.

- Luthorian = English
- Malivian Patois = Jamaican Patois
- Washebarian = Trinidadian Creole

The primary language in formal and educational settings is Luthorian, due to multiple periods of Luthori colonization in Malivia. It is also the nation's most common written language. However, outside of these situations, most Malivians speak a creole language. Patois originated on the east coast of the country, primarily among Esinsundu immigrants from Dovani, while Washebarian became the primary creole on the west coast and among the Rajutti.

- Hosianism = Christianity
--- Bishopalism = Protestantism
--- Patriarchalism = Catholicism
- Geraja = Hinduism
- Rasezana = Rastafari

~Percentages of the population~
Bishopalism 60%
Patriarchalism 8%
Geraja 23%
Rasezana 7%
Other: 2%

Bishopal Hosianism is the most dominant religion in Malivia, due to evangelism by Artanian colonial powers. Geraja is the native religion of the Rajutti populace and has maintained a following despite persecution by colonial powers. Rasezana is a relatively new Qaedarite (OOC: Abrahamic) religion that believes Ezana Yakub, a Coburan ruler (Ras) of the Esinsundu Mallans, to be the savior of all mankind.

Characters should generally have English names. The first three resources below provide common Caribbean names that may be used, but using a name from these lists is not required. Rajutti characters may have Indian names. The behindthename generator may be used to generate both common English and Indian names. Party names should be in English.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2017-02-16

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